Advent (!) Species No.22

26th December There’s only 364 days to go until Christmas so I thought I’d get into the holiday spirit in early and pick a festive species for my last but two post. This is THE festive bird. Robin Erithacus rubecula (Linnaeus, 1758) It’s a robin. Who doesn’t know what a robin looks like. However ourContinue reading “Advent (!) Species No.22”

Advent Species No.21

December 24th I will get to number 24 eventually! Not really got the excuse of being busy from now on! Today’s species isn’t exactly Christmassy (nor have most of the rest if I’m being honest!) but it’s one that I have seen today when I was on a small walk around the park. I’m prettyContinue reading “Advent Species No.21”

Advent Species No.19

20th December A lazy-ish Sunday, but I managed to get out for a little while to find some wildlife. So today’s species is one I have actually seen today and not one I’ve randomly picked out of a book or seen earlier in the year. Novelty I know! Jay Garrulus glandarius (Linnaeus, 1758) I heard aContinue reading “Advent Species No.19”

Advent Species No.17

18th December Hmmm…. Hmmm… not entirely sure what to write about. Barely been out the house and been busy staring at a screen and other non-outdoors activities. Okay, what I am going to do, as I’m stumped after staring at this page for 10 minutes, and nothing obvious has come to me, is I’m goingContinue reading “Advent Species No.17”

Advent Species No.13

December 13th I’ve actually been out and surveyed wildlife today! And the weather was terrible! Once a month I have a regular survey (okay, I’ve done it twice, but it will be regular!) where I count waterbirds on a local stretch of water. My bit of water is a small reservoir a few miles downContinue reading “Advent Species No.13”

Advent Species No.12

12th December It’s a species that I’ve already posted about back in January. But, one turned up and landed in the cherry tree and provided such a good view that I couldn’t not feature it (if that makes grammatical sense!). And oh yes, I’m at the half way point! Sparrowhawk Accipiter nisus (Linnaeus, 1758) Today’sContinue reading “Advent Species No.12”

Advent Species No.11

11th December A nocturnal species for a post written at night. No more preamble today! Tawny Owl Strix aluco Linnaeus, 1758 Last night I went to bed in a not great mood, what with the news and all that. And I woke up similarly in a not great mood which has lasted most of theContinue reading “Advent Species No.11”

Advent Species No.9

9th December Back on track! Had a full on day (not doing much important, but little fun things) so I have a subject to write about. And it’s an appropriate one for this time of year as it’s a bird that is pretty common in the run up to Xmas and beyond further into winter.Continue reading “Advent Species No.9”

Advent Species No.7

December 7th I’m sat here trying to write a job application for a position I really want. But. I really hate writing job applications no matter what the job is for! So in order to get the creative juices flowing and kick-start the writing process I’ll publish a blog post. This time for a commonContinue reading “Advent Species No.7”

Advent Species No.5

5th December Blimey this is turning out to be a slog. I’ve been out and about on my bike but barely seen any wildlife. I’m desperately not trying to write about a species on the main list for two days running which doesn’t help matters. I’ve literally sat here for ten minutes before writing thisContinue reading “Advent Species No.5”

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